Saturday 29 September 2007

Breaking Him In

When I was just 19 and before the Internet was available I was out enjoying myself in the real world. There were always endless of parties and get togethers not forgetting all the plentiful casual teenage sex that came my way.

During this time, my friend Michelle was with this guy and she persuaded me to date his mate so that we could make up a cosy foursome so she’d have someone to tag along with. I wasn't that keen on his mate, but being a excellent friend I obliged, although I knew that it would never lead to anything serious.

One of the most remembered evening’s was when Michelle planned that we’d all stay on her boyfriends, mates farm for the evening and of course she’d crash with her boyfriend and I’d ill have to keep his mate entertained.

So we drove through the villages to the farm where we’d have a few drinks, order a Pizza and watch a movie.

It was not long before each couple went their separate ways and I snuck down with the mate in his farmhouse bedroom, whilst Michelle and her boyfriend crashed in the lounge.

I’d been on a few dates with him before and all we had done was kiss and cuddled, he didn't strike me as a lad with experience so I knew I was not in for a night of sin with an ultimate sex stallion. Never mind I thought, we all have to start somewhere.

I was not wrong, from what I remembered we just kissed, we may have had a fondle but there was definitely no sex before lights out. He seamed a bit nervous having a girl in his bed and he just couldn't relax, I just knew that he was a virgin.

So I lay along side him, trying to sleep but I can hear Michelle’s faint fuck moans coming from the living room, this was so frustrating not having any fun myself.

Eventually I fell asleep myself, but was awoken at 7am by the noisy animals on the farm and to find the mate staring at me and I got the impression that he’d been staring for a very long time.

So I smiled, reached over and kissed him, still feeling horny from the night before, my kisses became aggressive and passionate. I then pushed him down into the bed and straddled my naked body over him, kicking away the duvet as I was warm from the morning sun that shone through the window and over my sweet little tits.

Whilst stroking my hands over is torso, I thought to myself is it right to take this boys virginity, I cannot stop myself from stealing it. I know it is egotistical of me to cherish the thought of him remembering me for the rest of his life, right in this room, with my naked teenage body over him, but with a girl with some experience and girl that dosn't mind taking the lead. Surly not bad for his first fuck?

So I gyrated my wet little my pussy over his boxer shorts where I could feel his cock stiffen beneath me. I smiled and stroked his face.

“No!’ he said
Shhhh,” I said reaching down to kiss him. “Just relax” I whispered assuring him.

I pulled down his boxer shorts from under me and allowed his cock to lay free, gently
moving my wetness up and down his shaft. I took his cock in my hands and guided it into my tiny cunt, gently easing it in.

He moaned out loud as I gradually drove his cock deep in me and slowly rode him, feeling a nice hole for the first time in his life and me feeling a sense power over him.

“Nice isn't it, ummm your cock feels amazing” I whispered

As expected, he didn't last long, I could see the whites of his eyes as his pupils rolled back into his head, he spasmed under me and his chest bucked as he was about to cum. I began to fuck him harder, he called out my name “Ohhhhhh Jane!” and he then filled me full of his heavenly virgin muck.

He never lasted long enough for me to cum, but I was happy to trade my orgasm for his virginity. We lay close afterwards and I could feel his heart beat thud against me.

When he finally found his voice he said

“Sorry that I didn't last long” with the look of disappointment on his face
“No worries, these things happen” I assured
Erm, I was a virgin, that was my first time y’know” He confesses
“Really, well your not any more’ I grinned
“I really never realised you were a virgin, you were very good” I added, kissing his brow and smiling.
“Did you cum?” He quizzes desperately
Umm, yes of course” I lie

Fortunately Michelle never kept her boyfriends for very long and shortly after she broke up with him which meant I didn't have to see his mate anymore, despite his many endless, late night phone calls. The virgin fuck was never to be repeated, but certainly never, ever to be forgotten.


  1. Ooooh, what a sexy story! I love how erotic it can be when the woman is in charge! (Even though I am personally more submissive.) Thanks for your comment on my blog- thought I'd see what yours was all about, too. Very nice!

  2. Hi there again Animal.....nice recounting of a special moment in both of your lives; reminded me gently of my deflowering antics with a boyfriend, oh so many years ago. He was a wonderful guy....and was there for me years later when I needed someone......thank you a fond trip down memory lane!

  3. that's awsome, i was sat here imagening that i was that lucky lad being straddled by a women for the first time, being shown how it's done by an experienced women, my boxers being drawn down and then your lovely wet pussy engulfing it....when i was a virgin i think the moment my cock would go in a situation like this is the point i would cum LOL.

    i should write about my first experience on my blog but it's nowhere as exciting as that
