Tuesday 4 September 2007

...And whats wrong with our minges?

I am still in the midst of my Porn Mania Faze and I have noticed that general Porn is changing. Like any commodity, a product has to be continually developed to keep it fresh so that the punters keep coming back I’m sure every porn producer asks themselves what can be done differently from their competitors and what new ideas can be incorporated to keep their movies fresh and ahead of their game.

Unfortunately they have chosen to degrade woman and abuse their amazing bodies to retain their excitement.

Now I’m not a feminist or about to burn my bra but there is too much anal shagging
in porn these days.

When I was too young to be watching Porkies, I remember secretly watching my parents 70’s porn films and the majority of penetration was happening in the pussy and then a small amount of anal at the end but these days it’s the opposite, a few minuets of penetration in the pussy and then they spend the rest of the time with their cocks inside a women’s back passage.

Believe it or not I don’t mind the anal scenes providing that all parties have consented. After all I have dabbled in anal shagging myself on many occasions only to find that there is little pleasure in it and can be breathtakingly painful once the cock has reached a particular area. I know that there is a fine line between pain and pleasure and I will always attempt to experiment in anal, if only if its on a Friday night, during times of acute messy drunkenness.

What I do object to is what appears to be a new-ish concept in porn, a lot of scenes now show a woman is being fucked hard in the arse cow-girl style and the guy then lifts her backside, so that her legs are either side of her head. He then spreads her arse cheeks, to show a very large star fish (about the width of a mans cock) in front of the lens. You can see a good few inches down the woman’s bum-hole and he jeers as he parades the hole that he’s been fucking. He then continues to fuck her and does this “lift” again and again.

Now I know you may argu that a woman puts herself in that situation, but I do think that woman, especially young girls become clouded in the industry and are under pressure from porn producers to be more this or that and is a case of, to earn the money you have to have your ass hole fucked and stretched to the size of a chocolate digestive.

The woman looks like a fucking idiot with her gormless face between her legs and her unnaturally stretched-out hole thrust up by her chin, I cannot imagine what pain she must be in and can only pray that they’ve given her some sort of local anaesthetic, and what about the poo, where did that go? She must have had an enema!

Is it me or do I sound like Germain Greer? I don’t think so. Come on guys, this cannot be a turn on? right?! and why the need to fuck the most toxic area of a human being, anyway- what exactly is this obsession with our bum holes?

I know that pornography from the 70’s has a pretty tragic reputation, but a least men never shaved their pubes, the right orifices where being shagged and it was all a tad more subtle.


  1. Hi, i fully agree, about there being far too much anal in porn these days.
    they do have enemas before a shoot so as not to have 'any residue'.
    the reason most men like a little bit of anal is because of the kinkyness of it, it's also a little lighter than vagina intercourse, i personally find the idea VERY 'kinky' but doing it isn't as much fun, plus if i'm going to do it i make sure i use some good lubricant and not just 'spit' which i find incredibly off putting.
    they need to change porn, make it more horny, leave more to the imagination and build it up slower, show us some sexy knickers and peel them off slowly and THEN get into close up penetration and finally a cumshot splashing over her breasts!

    if i directed porn films they'd be really great, tasteful yet a massive turn on.

  2. sorry, i mean't 'tighter' it's late and my brain's trying to goto sleep

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