Wednesday 15 August 2007


I have never been faithful up until now. All throughout my life I’ve had serious boyfriend’s but has never been able to remain fully true to them. I’ve always had a main boyfriend and a couple of fuck buddies at any given time. I know that this is deceit and unforgivable, but I have never been able to resist the opportunity to ride a willing strangers cock into the small hours. . I love the chase and the chemistry you get when you both notice each other for the first time, when he telepathically tells you he wants to fuck your brains out. You know you look good for the party that evening, so you respond with that innocent “under the hat look” and before you know it, you’ve both snuck outside and your down on your knees sucking his heavenly cock, whilst your other half, is by a lake somewhere …….fishing for coy carp.

Do you eat the same food each night?

Now, I’ve justified this to myself a thousand times during my days of deceit and my main conclusion is that I’ve never believed in monogamy, to me its monotony. It doesn’t seam normal to have sex with just one person throughout ones life and to me normal is exploring and being intimate with as many partners as one desire’s.

If monogamy is normal, then why do some people find being monogamous so difficult? Some people become bored shit-less of fucking the same person after 6 or 7 years. Surely, Hugh Grant supports this theory, he must have been bored with Liz or he wouldn’t have had his night of sin with Divine, despite how hot we all find Hurley. People say he was mad for getting involved with an LA call girl, I don’t, I just think that he was bored of the same hole and fancied something very different.

I suspect that relationships within the Animal Kingdom are not too different; once they have produced their young, they sing their mating calls again in search for a new lover. To me it seams that were only animals and the true meaning of life is to breed and replace ourselves to keep them cogs turning.

My other excuse was that I had a long turn partner from the age of 16, (We shall call him Pete … after Peter Pan). Although Pete and I were very much in love, it took us two years to agree that we were no longer fuck buddies and from then on (for the next 10 years) we had an on/off relationship. On several occasions
he took time out from me to go travelling which naturally left me feeling lonely and horny and not knowing whether it was on or off. With being in my teens and early twenties, I was in my prime and I had the right to experiment.

Reasons for being unfaithful & having casual sex
Sex never becomes samey and boring
You feel free
Sometimes you can take home new sex techniques to your main partner, that you learned from your snide one
You rarely have sex in the bed room
Perfect reason for crotch-less panties

In the end he was unfaithful to me too and eventually we destroyed each other causing jealousy and pain, which is the reason I have chosen to stay faithful to my current long term lover – well fiancé, yep, were engaged! that say’s a lot for me, not being a marriage fan, but Iv come to learn that loving relationships are special and should be nurtured if there worth it.

Reasons for being faithful
You don’t have to lead a double or triple life
Guilt free
You don’t have to drive around at 105mph
Sex can be better and more intimate with a long term lover
You don’t need to be paranoid of where you’ve left your mobile or whether you emails are open
You get more cuddles and tell no lies
You don’t have to get friends and relatives to cover up for you
You only have to remember 1 name
You love them dearly
You get told I love you
It doesn’t matter if you haven’t done your Brazilian that week

My fiancé proposed to me only two weeks ago which is one of the reasons I’m writing this blog, to allow me to reflect and dwell on my past , to mentally reenact and remember those erotic moments, which shall leave me in good stead for a life of monogamy.


  1. great post. Only someone who has been through it could say the things you've said - and I completely agree with you. Stay focused!!!! It's not always easy xx

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