Tuesday 23 October 2007

Amen to the Men


I finish work at 6, I am so pleased to be out of there, I walk over to the street where my car is parked. The bitter cold air is bleeding me. I hurry and get into the car but there's something wrong. The steering is all strange and I cannot steer, oh bollocks, I bet the tyre is flat. I pull over and my thoughts are confirmed when I see my flacid tyre is as flat as a witches tit.

Naturally I call Ronnie, who only lives down the road and he sends his step father over who's a mechanic.

I wait outside the car in the freezing temperatures, feeling useless, I open the boot to find the jack, a spare tyre and a screw driver-type thingy.

I examine the jack, how does this work I ponder? and begin twisting the lever thingy. Cannot make it go up or down so I may as well just wait.

My knight in greasy armour arrives faster than a super hero on speed. And within ten minutes flat after some jacking and screwing, alas! my car was now mobile again.

I drove home with the pleasures of the heater on full, pounding into my face and down to my frozen feet. I felt secure in the world knowing that men exist. Not only can men repair flat tyres but have marvellous cocks as well. What amazing qualities I slightly envied, but it was a endearing warm thought and I smiled in my heart as I drove slightly over the speed limit.

So I want to tribute this post to all the wonderful men that mend flat tyres and have nice cocks.

Amen, thank the lord for each and every one of you.

Monday 22 October 2007

On The Job

“Don’t dip your pen in the company ink”
“Don’t go fishing off the company pier”
“Don’t mix business with pleasure”

Are all recognisable warnings we have heard about having sexual relations with people who we work with or who we share a professional relationship. I can understand these warnings. It can be very awkward after you’ve had your fun and then you still have to maintain that professional relationship in the cold light of day. …. But pre office flirting and the secret shagging can be bloody fantastic!

I read somewhere that 43% of workers admitted to getting involved in a work related romance at some stage in their career, I, most certainly am a part of this soaring statistic and some of my favourite fuck memories are of people who I worked with.

I know feel it’s the right time to dish the dirt about my sordid experiences within the work arena and I will be blogging about this throughout November.

But first I want to revisit, what it is that I actually love about shagging my colleagues and as I’m shit at writing, Iv decided to put it in a list as usual.

1. Work can be a drab place, so if you have a possibility of a fuck buddy within your work place then this can really brighten your day, you’re both in the same boat and that can make the work place a breeding ground for striking up some exciting random play

2. The initial unknown of whether he/she fancies you, perhaps their just eye candy for now, but that’s great wank fodder when you get home after a busy day

3. Wondering, what he/she is like in bed

4. The flirting and excitement before you finally get it on

5. Naughty work emails

6. Christmas parties are a lot more fun

7. Excuse for buying new clothes and making sure that you look extra sexy in your corporate bitch suit

8. Sexual banter, harassment and other innuendos

9. If he works late, then so do you, getting through your work load, keeping your boss impressed with all the ‘‘extra’’ you’ve been doing.

10. Having a secret

11. Screwing the arse of them when you finally get him away from that retched place you both call work.

I’m sure that the cons list is a lot greater, but lets not focus on that for now, I would rather finish today’s post with my first work-shagging experience from a summer job I had of when I was just 15.

He was 18 and I worked in his father’s restaurant as a waitress during weekends and holidays. During one summer holiday, the boss’s son and I would start an hour earlier than our other colleagues to put the drinks delivery away.

All the booze was stored in a dusty cloak room at the rear of the restaurant and the boss’s son and myself would assist each other putting away the bottles of wine. We both got on really well and he impressed me naturally being 3 years older than me.

I cannot remember how our work- shagging began (even though we never actually did the full Monty) but I do remember heeling down on the store room floor, sliding the crates under the racks and unknown to me, my skirt wafted up, revealing my lacy stocking top, just as the boss’s son came in stumbling in with a crate of Britvic 55 tonic waters.

He pointed, laughed and made some cheeky comments about my exhibitionism and all I remember after that was sucking his cock in the store room. In fact every shift began like that after that, as soon as we both were in the store room, we both knew it was time for me to get on my knees and suck his cock.

I would suck him until he came, on my face, or deep into my throat, sometimes I would swallow, sometimes he would soil my waitress uniform, other times he would fuck my mouth deep and hard.
We would have to work extra hard so that we would have time to fit in his morning blow job and I loved the intimacy of it and the excitement of getting caught.

Other than the occasional finger-fuck, we never actually fucked, perhaps because he was concerned that I was under the legal age (even thought I’d experienced a full sexual relationship by then).

Things never became uncomfortable once other colleagues and customers filled the restaurant; there were always secret jokes, a wink and a cheeky smile between us that made the shifts fly by.

So sucking his cock each morning was my first sexual experience on the job. What a great job, I was bloody good at it.

Thursday 18 October 2007

Gimp Dogs & Sado Rags

I really don't get this

I don’t want to offend other bloggers, who love and blog about S&M but it does'nt do it for me….

The pain, torture slavery, candle wax, scary swords, sodomy, being pissed on, gagging, task master whips, black lipstick, being strangled, calling someone master, eating poo, chains, dungeons, too much eye-liner, dog collars, grotesque piercing, humiliation, and basically the brutality of having my arse whipped into a bright red frenzy just does not rock my boat or send me deep into my pleasure zone which I so deeply love and trust.

But all those horrid things only happen if your the slave, if you’re the dominatrix then things are a lot better I imagine and you can get a good hour of ass-kicking in, which is great if you’ve had a bad day in the office and your using him as a giant sized tension ball – Now this does appeal, especially if an AK47 has been thrown into the mix and my fuck- wit boss has his pathetic middle management arse on the receiving end.

Still not sex though is it? Still not gentle, hard, gentle, hard penetration is it? Sill not sharing the erotic moment together or cherishing each others bodies is it?

Maybe I’m just a boring girl that likes to fuck missionary all her life and the closest that I’ve come to practising any sort dominatrix activity is some gentle seduction with a stranger or perhaps more of a rape incident with Ronnie.

I must admit though, that I have found some basic sex acts from under the S&M umbrella which I do quite like, which I find either sexy or hilarious

Here I go, lets see if you agree:


1. Being blind folded can be great, not knowing what’s going to happen where or when can be extremely thrilling.

2. Tying him up, whilst riding him because I like the control sometimes
Wearing black, now that’s always sexy!

3. PVC, can look hot and can enable you to look sluty for your man (not sure about rubber, although some say it’s great!)

4.The odd spank, after all I have to admit that there’s always a fine line between (some) pain and pleasure.

5. Sex swings - now I'd certainly give one of those a blast


1. Making Ronnie wear a gimp-dog out fit for a Halloween costume party and spending a good part of the evening, dragging his dog collar chain with him on all fours and kicking his back side occasionally in my extremely pointy leather boots whilst his friends laughed and pointed.

2.I would love to go to a proper S&M night club where they parade each other around in their sado glory and dress up just for the fun with my mates for a complete piss take.

3. Lying to colleges by telling them that I like to indulge in S&M just to freak out, well breaks the day up, doesn’t it?

I would basically like to conclude that to enjoy being on the receiving end of S&M is not sex, it’s a fetish and quite disturbing. I suspect that the receiver needs therapy and is quite possibly a complete fucking weirdo.

Saturday 13 October 2007

Away on Business

This week, I have been working my trossacks of in Yorkshire, which meant staying over in a hotel for a couple of nights all on my lonesome.

I don’t stay away in hotels that much in my line of work, but when I do, I always observe something which is consistent in any part of the UK that I end up in.

What I have observed is that some men act completely different when they are staying away on business, in a hotel and away from their families. They can be alone, with other male colleagues or with business associates but providing their not with their wives, they change.

I’ve observed them at the bar, confident in their body language, their big tooth smiles,
they relax, become easy to chat too and their chest expands. They also become extremely generous (perhaps taking advantage of their expenses facility) and those that demonstrate this behaviour, also have another thing in common, a wedding ring.

What an advantage? A night alone, in a hotel, perhaps hundreds of miles away from their family life, the kids, the wife, the stresses and away on business, a perfect alibi.

So in the midst of their sex-less marriages they flirt, offer to buy you a drink, tell you jokes, offer to join you and if you gave the correct signals back, ask you to bed.

Now anyone that has read my post Monogmy will understand my views on why
people are unfaithful and that shagging the same person for eternity can be a terrible bore. So I don’t really blame these men and their behaviours. I just wish I had the bollocks to do it.

Naturally I am a people watcher, so after dinner I observed the men, watched them flirting and stalk their way around the bar and when they finally pass me noticing my key card and my loneliness then they’d stair, smiling at me too.

If I’d waxed and packed some nice underwear, then perhaps I’d be more accommodating but for now all I can do is look on and fantasise and wish I’d added this to my dare list. So this is how I imagined I’d approach it, if given the bollocks that I was so severely lacking.

(After some across the room eye contact) I would approach the one I fancied the most-
“Hi, if were going to get to know each other, it may as well be now.” slipping my room number that I’d wrote on a serviette into the palm of his hand.

I’d then wait for him in my hotel room, still wearing my corporate bitch suit, but with a skirt that almost covers my lacy stocking tops and when he would join me. I would suck his cock in seconds of him entering my room, I’d unbutton his shirt but wouldn’t remove it, or his tie and his cock would stick out hard over his suit trousers as I hungrily suck him.

I would make him fuck me like that, on and into the dressing table, both in our suit’s but with my skirt pulled up to my waist and my tits sticking out over my blouse, still wearing my heels but with my lace panties pulled to the side. And when he came I’d make sure that he came over my tongue, I’d eagerly open my mouth wide for his hot delicious spunk and as it explodes, it would run over my cheeks , over my chin and I would lavish the remainder that he wanked over my nipples which is peeking through my now tore open blouse.

Oh little joy! apart from the wank I had when I retired into my empty bed, still defiantly one to add onto the “before I die” manifest before I leave this kinky world.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Wank Fodder

Sorry Chaps, this ones for the ladies, unless you are a practicing homosexual.

Now that I'm sort of over my porn mania faze (for the time being) I have now adopted a new obsession with this man, Danny Dyer.

Unfortunately my colonial readers, such as the Americans and Australians will not have the foggiest of who I am talking about, but if you were fortunate enough to be living in England today then I'm sure you'd feel blessed with having this man grace your silver screen.

Of course I cannot speak for all female (or gay) English residents, but to me this man is the best thing thats emerged from the British Film Industry within the past 5 years.

This fine specimen is bursting with charasmatic gritty East End charm, a real bit of rough that I find irresitable. He usually stars as a villain in films of violence, cockney gangster culture or football hooligianism, but definatley a character than you can warm too, especially when he delivers cheeky one liners such as "Corrr, I can't wait to see your fanny"

If you would like to share my very unnatural obsession then I recommend that you purchase any three of these gripping movies, such as The Football Factory, Outlaw or The Business.

Right... Im off to google him again for the 23rd time this week and I'm not referring to the use of a search engine.

Saturday 6 October 2007

Fish Nets

O.K The fisher net tight turn on appeared to be most popular so I have decided to post this.

I was getting ready for my second date with my current boyfriend and I wanted to surprise him. I had only met him the week before when we’d slept together, which wasn’t really a “date” but I will save spilling the beans about that for another post.

There was an immediate chemistry between us that had built up during the week that we’d met, we’d had animalistic sex and I just had a gut feeling he could be one of my great ones which gave me the confidence to surprise him.

On Thursdays Ronnie worked at a Snooker club, as a sort of a paid hobby because he was a regular player and was where he spent most of his time socialising. I’d arranged to meet Ronnie at the club after he finished his shift.

It took ages for Thursday to come around, Ronnie and I had text, emailed and rang each other describing how we were both desperate for a second animalistic shag which appeared to be the most natural thing in the world, it went without saying that Ronnie and I would have some fun in the club, after last orders had been called and when the punters had hung up their cues for the evening.

So if the location was going to be kinky, then so should be my outfit and I had it all planned.

Got into bath and washed hair

Waxed legs and pruned other critical orifices

Applied make up, paying up most attention to the eyes, with subtle eyeliner and brown shades

Dried hair and added extra curls

Tied on black see-through Basque

Slipped on the black fisher net tights

Fastened black PVC skirt that barely covered my arse

Zipped up knee length black leather boots

Dabbed Perfume

Touched up make up

Examined myself in the mirror, front and back

Pulled up skirt to check out pussy

Gave it a rub for luck.

I put on my long black coat to cover my obscenities and left to meet Ronnie.

The snooker club was the type of place that never had a strict last orders deadline, the punters liked the club because they could sup and play until the small hours if the barman was permitting, so when I arrived it was no surprise to still find punters lurking. Thank fuck for my coat.

We waited and waited for the last chatter box to finish his pint, hungrily gazing at each other in desperation, we finally manage to bolt the door after the last of the late night revelers.
I was sitting at the bar on a barstool and Ronnie beamed over after turning down the lights, instantly kissing and breathing one another again,
“I have been so looking forward to seeing you again” he says tenderly as he begins to unbutton my coat. I part my legs so he can move in closer and I lean back allowing him to undress me, my coats falls aside and he shrieks “ohh great! You look such a slut!, WOW! All this is all for me?? .

He frantically rubs my thighs like a kid in a sweet shop and pulls up my skirt to find my bold cunt partially hiding behind my tights. “Ohh, Iv been feeling so horny” I whisper grabbing the nape of his neck. “You look hot, I cannot wait to fuck you” He pulls down my Basque, so that my little tits stick out over the top and he twists my rose bud nipples , gently licking and massaging each one in turn.

The excitement thunders through us both as he lifts me onto the bar, knocking over a wine glass and an empty bottle, I lay back parting my legs, so that my knees are bent and I clutch onto my boots for stability.

Ronnie glories at the sight of my cunt, rubbing his thumb over my tingling lips and over the
damp fabric where my juices have soaked. “Ohh eat my pussy” I blurt out, “Please, I feel so horny” I beg, gyrating my pubis in Ronnie’s face.

Ronnie tastes my sweetness through the tights, rolling his tongue over my hungry lips, he manages to slide in a finger through a hole and finger fucks me whilst working my clit with his erratic tongue. The pleasure was instantaneous and I moan like a banshee as my juices soaked the fabric and Ronnies skilled fingers.

After I came, Ronnie pulls me down from the bar and we make our way over to one of the snooker tables, were I hurriedly get on my knees and free Ronnie’s hard on. I’d never witnessed a cock so hard and waste no time in licking his shaft and bell end. I eventually take it whole in my mouth, marveling the firmness on my tongue and wanking and sucking it into my throat, whilst sexily gazing up to him.

I decide I want it in me, I rise and begin kissing Ronnie, again, tasting my pussy on his tongue, and he gropes my arse and turns me over the snooker table.
Bent over the table with my PVC skirt partially covering my arse, Ronnie continues to caress my pert cheeks, lifting the skirt over around my waist, he tastes my cunt once more to check that I’m still wet, and oh god I am.

“Shall we remove these super sexy tights?” he asks, “NO! just tear a hole and fuck me” I beg, he hooks in his finger and tears the hole big enough for his cock to fit in. Ronnie slides his cock through the fabric and into my pussy.

I scream out in pleasure as he enters me, over the snooker table. “Ohhhh YES” I moan out as I feel his cock brutally enter my tight, bold cunt. He fucked me hard straight away and the ecstasy blinded me with each rough stab of his cock.

He tore the fabric further up over my arse cheeks as he fucked me into the table, occasionally spanking my bare arse, reaching for my nipples which are still peaking over the Basque, massaging and twisting. He then grabs my hair, pulling it, pulling me into him, roughly urging me deeper onto him.

I’m wild with lust and I rip my tights further behind me, I loose control and go blind as the orgasm grows through me, the goose bumps spawn up my back and I feel fantastic. “Awww Ronnie, your making me cum, … awww am cumming, cumming on your cock” clawing the green fabric of the snooker table, I scream helplessly which leaves my body to spasm before him.

He draws him self out me and brings his cock up to my chest, wanking his heavenly cock over my tits, I ferociously lick his bell-end and his spunk shoots from him over my tongue and chest. He splashed his plentiful hot cum over my Basque and pussy. “Ohhh, that’s GOOD” he relives, I kneel down sucking it, swallowing and savoring that very last drop of cum.

“I cannot believe we fucked on table 11” He grins
“Table 11?” I quiz
“Yeah, the most popular table in the house” he adds
“I can see why” I grin

I go back to his afterward and we snuggle into bed like an old married couple and as we drift off into blissful sleep, Ronnie bolts upright in shock

“Oh fuck!” he groans
“What?” I doze
“The CCTV” he groans, grabbing his jeans and keys for the snooker club.

Thursday 4 October 2007

Top 30

My Top Thirty Titillating Turn-on’s :

1. Having my ears nibbled and my neck kissed
2. Beside the lake, beneath the trees
3. When he smells so good that you need to inhale him
4. In confined spaces, like cars and stationary cupboards
5. When you can still hear faint sounds of other people
6. The image of an erect cock throbbing from his jeans
7. A REALLY HARD cock, like it could never get much harder
8. Giving blow jobs whilst on my knees
9. The feel of his balls when their so heavy with cum
10. Sitting on his face whilst wearing crotch-less panties
11. Danny Dyer
12. Wearing a short skirt and having it pushed over my arse in surprise to be fucked doggy style
13. Having my hair pulled whilst being fucked doggy style to prompt me to fuck, harder and faster
14. Wearing uniforms like, cheer leader, hockey and school girl accompanied with a bold pussy and ankle socks
15. Flirting with a colleague to later wank over
16. Black leather boots
17. Massaging my clit whilst being fucked cow girl style
18. The odd SPANK
19. Socialising wearing no knickers under your dress , knowing your later in for some fun
20. Men taking turns to fuck me (imaginary only)
21. Paying good money for a lap dance from a girl that has a figure like Britney Spears
22. Rolling my tongue over his arse hole and see him enjoy it
23. Eating another girls pussy (For another blog)
24. Being in a (short) queue of girls that are waiting to be fucked by a resilient and lucky male
25. Having my pussy eaten through fisher net tights, until I cannot take anymore so I tear out the crotch, so he can slide in his cock (again for another blog)
26. Sucking him until he cums over my face in my mouth
27. Being fucked missionary over a ledge, desk or table
28. Being pumped full of plentiful hot delicious cum
29. Squirting (Its only happened to me once)
30. The sound of his moans when he ejaculates

Monday 1 October 2007

Rancid Sunday

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